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I know you guys are gonna think I'm crazy but isn't this just the premise to defeating Sharknado? Like the shooting a storm part.

Haven't watched it but a movie about shooting a storm sounds interesting..

It looks like a good game.

Thanks! Hope you like it :)


When I try to export my save on Firefox (I tried Chrome as well), the game tells me it saved the string to my clipboard but it's not there, so I cannot import it into the standalone version.

Good job on the game, looking forward to a Steam version! (if you plan that, make sure you capitalize on the fading game jam traffic for wishlists...)

Thanks for letting me know, there is an error when copying on Web it seems. I'll look into it, sorry about that!

And thanks for the tip for Steam! The storepage takes awhile to approve and set up and I'm super anxious to just get it up asap!

You're right, first impressions matter as well of course! Good luck!

You made it bud nice work!
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OMG It's Brackeys! Thanks for sharing this!

Deleted 119 days ago

AND your game looks pretty good! ;-)


Thank you for the kind comment Jake! Am still working hard and doing my best to make it better! 😅

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Hi! Really cool game! Stil needs some rebalancing and has a few bugs, but I can really see it as a fun and succesful product! I recorded a playtest if you’d like some more feedback.


OMG I love watching playtests! Will be going through it for sure! And of course yes, please do leave me any feedback as I'm actively working to improve the game every day!


just pushed out a fix for collectibles not disappearing. No more infinite wood bug! haha. left the main comment on your video! really appreciate you taking a video of your playthrough and sharing it :DD

My game freezes in prologue when reaching the crane with a bucket.


Ah, I believe I've responded to you in Discord! Thanks for reporting this and for anyone who encounters bugs do let me know about them (for anyone reading, this was resolved in v0.30.1!)


I hate you. I feel like this game has exploited my monkey brain.  I got high and straight up played this for like 5 hours.  Insane. Anyways definitely keep developing it.  This was a bunch of fun!

You scared me, I thought this was a hate comment from the first sentence HAHA.

This is the first time I've read someone play for 5 hours, this is just crazy wow! if you have anything you want to see in this game - ideas, improvements, feedback. Please let me know as I am working on the game every day and pushing out daily updates to make it better and add more content.

Nice game, i played on peaceful setting. I probably played for a hour straight waiting for storm xD


haha whoops, probably will add a tooltip to indicate that the storm never comes on Peaceful difficulty

Great game and congratulations!!

Thank you Mathur!!


Wow! Congrats on 20th place out of over 1500 entries!!  You deserve it!

So glad that I got to play and rate it on stream just now!


Thank you and glad to have had the opportunity to see you play!!

I just realized, you even got Rank #1 for the theme and 9th for the Game Design! Incredible work!


YA I am super surprised and in disbelief lol. I've never won first in anything of this kind before so this is just crazy HAHA


Wow, this is crazy good, love it, hope you make it to steam and can wishlist it or even pay for it, this is something apart from what i seen! Love it!

Thank you for the kind comment! After much thinking, I've wrote a devlog detailing my vision for the game which will act as my guiding star, as well as created a discord server for anyone who wants to discuss the game and its future.

Putting it on Steam will be my goal! :)


This game is so fun and addicting. Took a bit to fully understand the game but i love playing it! I'll definitely buy this game for sure. Keep up with the good work my man!

thanks for the kind words!! Will be deploying a new update once the jam period is over to address several of the feedbacks given so far.

no upgrades, +1840% card gen speed.
workshops are OP.

love the game, this is incredible!

Woah, that is an astonishing amount of SPEED!! 😲 I don't think I intended it to be that broken haha as even myself never got that high!

Wow, this just blew me away ( with how much content you've added in such a small amount of time!).

I must say it's bit overwhelming to begin with ( to much info thrown at you )- but then I've not even slept a full night since the Jam began! this is a game I'd like to sit down fully understand and play for few hours straight.

haha, I'm actually glad this jam is actually a longer one (full week), I think it allowed more flexibility, but then it also made me go a little crazy with my ambitious ideas!

Ah, I wonder if there's any info that might be better eased in at a later stage, or introduced differently...

Very awesome game! A lot of cool stuff

Thanks for trying the game out! :)


This is so much fun! I really enjoyed playing through it. Unfortunately, the second storm got me but I definitely want to retry at some point, now that I understand what I'm doing a bit better. The roguelike element of permanent upgrades would also make losing feel less like you've lost so much progress. Would definitely play a full version of this!


Hey Scott, thanks for playing it! And congrats on surviving the first storm! That's a feat!

I also agree that having a roguelike version to give you permanent upgrades that make it easier will help ease the difficulty gradually and also add some sense of progression even if you fail! I don't know if there's time but I may try to prototype it tomorrow and see how it goes!