Pricing Changes + Plans for Web Version

Hi all! I'd like to give everyone a heads up on the game moving forward.

In about 1.5 weeks from now, the price of the downloadable version of the game will be increased to $10.

Thanks everyone who have been following the game and leaving feedback! I appreciate all the suggestions and feedback given so far and will continue to actively improve the game further!

For players who already purchased the game and play the downloadable version, this does not impact you at all. You will continue to receive updates and new content as usual.

Moving forward, islands and new features expanding beyond the settlement, will be built for the paid desktop versions only, and will be accessible there.

Edit: For those wondering, yes, you are able to transfer savefiles from the web version to the downloadable version by using the [Export] button when loading savefiles from the main menu.

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(1 edit)

So if we get the download, in the future, we will receive updates without needing to pay again?

And also, will the web version still be available?

Hey ada7ke! 

Yep, the downloadable versions are constantly updated whenever there is a new version. There is no need to pay again for new version updates.

The web version will still remain available.